Having a well defined brand activation plan increases efficiency, consistency and savings

Changing your brand is a powerful way to transform your business. However, transformation can come with high costs to both your budget and your brand’s equity. Based on years of experience we have learned, time and again, that a few key activities upfront will save your budget, strengthen your work with supporting agencies and ease the stress of rollout.

1. Establish your objectives

  • Develop a clear understanding of what is driving your brand change
  • Define expectations to judge success

2. Understand your landscape

  • Audit your current brand touchpoints
  • Estimate the cost of conversion and time it will take

3. Clearly define your needs

  • Evaluate your current tools (guidelines, platforms)
  • Review your current resources (people, budgets)

4. Plan forward

  • Build a roadmap including key dates, events
  • Establish an approval process

At TenTen, we are plan-centric. We believe a brand activation plan is critical to the success of any change in brand. If you’re considering a change to yours, contact us, we can help!

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